Community OrganizationsChildren ActivitiesChildren ServicesEducationFarmers Market
- Meet as a group Monthly to stay current & plan activities At a local restaurant in West Seattle Seattle WA 98116
- Send Email
- http://kiwanis.westseattle.com
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There are several important benefits of Kiwanis. You will make new friends, have fun, experience good fellowship, be a better informed citizen, network, and help put a smile on the face of a child.
About Us
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. Membership is open to all men and women who wish to serve the community.
Members provide many support services through-out the community including Health and nutrition, education and literacy, youth leadership development, scholarships, support for those with physical challenges.
- Goals: Health and Nutrition
- Goals: Education and Literacy-Elementary, Middle, High Schools, Colleges & University Level
- Goals: Youth Leadership Development - At All Levels Listed Above
- Goals: Scholarship Funds for College Students